Thursday, July 09, 2009

Remove mono completely from Ubuntu 9.04

Follow this link and execute the command stated there there

I should say a big thank you for the person who maintain the above site. I was concerned about the ongoing debate about having mono in Ubuntu by default and with this presentation(PDF) (and the video here) at Defcon 15, thought it's better to be removed from my system.

Anyways there won't be any problem by removing it. At least for me. What I'm going to miss is Tomboy and F-spot. From Karmic, I'm going to miss Banshee too. But comparing the alternatives it's better have the alternatives :)

Gnote is a great replacement for Tomboy and seems to use less amount of memory.
To install Gnote in Jaunty we have to use PPA. But in Karmic hopefully it will be in repos.

F-spot is a software that I didn't use actually. To copy images from a camera can be done using nautilus and can be opened and edit using gThumb Image viewer generally.
But there is some kinda replacement is comming up. Read here : Solang

Banshee vs Rhythmbox : I don't won't my system to run as a radio. And I do other work which require more memory and processing power than the music player.

As I heard we are going to miss Rhythmbox in Karmic but still the great Debian package manager is there to download it.